Tuesday, April 04, 2006

IF I SAY MP3 PLAYER? want to say something about it?


Blogger Surrealist Milliner said...

hi Antonio,
by looking at your blog I am assuning you are looking at the use of cultural probes in ethnographic research... correct?

9:44 PM  
Blogger antodicia7 said...

it is about the problems concerning considering stereotypes in the design process in relation to the lack of theories related to the skeptic point of view of postmodernism, I've named ethnographic research as example of doubt, not about the scientific approach to the problem, more about the unpredictable nature of the man, with the term arbitrary I'm not assuming I can do wahtever I want, but that in my design process even if I try to follow a method or give objective answers it would be impossible not doing what I feel as my subjectivity, this should be the explanation of my use of the word "honest", if you have any document or essay about doubts and debates related to ethnographic research, please send it to me,
thanks a lot for your interest! :)

10:37 PM  
Blogger antodicia7 said...

anche il mio e' distrutto !!!
eh eh
ciao raffa!!

9:06 AM  

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